EPIC! Characters remaining: 0 (sorry for the rant)
This little movie is quite amazing and its one of my top favorites. A while ago I looked at the animation closely and watched it a good many times to try and learn a little about animating fast pace action because one flash I'm slowly working on also has a lot of action going on and I'm always looking for more little tricks.
So I want to thank you for this great animation and what I have learned from it. The rest is me saying what I thought and then addressing others comments that lack objectivity... because it irritates me and I want to say it to get it off my mind. So sorry Ill ignore others next time.
I went through the reviews to see what people liked and disliked and I have to say a good portion of the comments can be best described as the uttering of a stupid person. I don't know how you managed to stay nice in your comments and not bash the hell out of them.
Anyway, In this flash there may be some ruff lines in the slow scenes of this animation but I don't feel like they detracted significantly from the flash. You might want to consider smoothing the lines in slow moving scenes (unless you really like that stylistically but I don't think it would detract from your style). I have noticed that new-grounders overreact for smooth lines.
Maybe the voices could have been slightly better acted but I actually kinda liked their gruffness and found them sufficient and not cheesy (probably because I can actually have a brain to imagine context and think outside what is explicitly stated) newgrounders go crazy for "perfect" voice acting
I loved the style and the color and can't imagine what brain disorder people who flat out call this anime. Seriously people get your definition checked then your eyes checked and if you still only see anime you can safely assume you have an agnosia or other miss-wiring of your brain (I'm employed as a neurobiologiest by the way). Ever heard of of 6 degrees of separation or convergent evolution or detailed cartoons?
Now for the plot: I found the plot to be sufficient and enjoyable it made me think I used my imagination I even got a little rush of adrenaline... yeah yeah we all wish things were longer but its a flash not a movie you pay to see in a theater. So I consider the length acceptable.
Also I think you should let those who can't understand suffer. They don't really need every detail explained to them in a way that even a 6 year old could understand. Make them use their brains its good for them. If you guys still don't understand I urge you to disscuss with others or ask without random needless down voting. What one is really saying when you say "I don't understand" 0 is "I'm a giant retard". By the way, if you really are 6, what the hell are you doing on newgrounds? I'm sorry your parents are so irresponsible.
How the girl lights the cigarette: really now that bothered you? wth?
How the characters skate: what? Do you guys skate everywhere and seeing this flash is going to cause you to mess up your movements and hurt yourself?
I actually like a little unrealistic and imaginative movement in a flash makes it feel like another amazing world... oh wait it is! face-palm yourself if you complained about this.
Giving a low review because the movie was in the first spot is there a rule against that? Maybe its only a unspoken moral rule? I don't know, but if you don't like it in first place vote something else up or vote it down where it actually effects the list placement.
I thought this flash was completely original at least as far as anything can be original... yes, COMPLETELY ORIGINAL I too have seen rush ++, even air gear and get this I've even seen someone race on skates before. Racing and skating both human activities much older than anything you have ever watched. Now lets see because it has a large city setting (something thousands of years old) rtil is obviously copying from Vinnie. LOL *grumble*
Summary of rant to reviewers: I say this flash is great if you agree or disagree be objective use intelligence with your reviews please.
Rtil: great flash listen not to the stupid.