Current Active Projects: Animation---The Dispatcher Episode 01 Art---Coloring practice Princess Shirahoshi from one piece

Age 36, Male


upper atmosphere

Joined on 7/11/09

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NitrogenousBeing's News

Posted by NitrogenousBeing - February 7th, 2012


Posted by NitrogenousBeing - February 6th, 2011

So instead of saying eventually I will give self amusing comments on the progress of "The Dispatcher" when all tallies are filled the animation will be complete.

Forests discovered 0/1
Bandits rendered 1/3
Buildings Robbed 0/1
Trees Planted 0/3
Dispatchers hired 1/1
Robots assembled 0/3
Buildings Constructed 3/16
Cities lighted 0/3
Buildings Burned 0/15
Cities Destroyed 0/2
Missiles launched 0/15
Craters created 0/3
Governments restructured 0/1
Agents deployed 1/3
Rivals revealed 1/2
Orphans in danger 0/5
Zombie Clowns frozen 1/1
X Tomatoes equipped 1/1
Zombie Clowns ejected to dimension 1/2
Memories erased 43/54
Robots programed 0/3
Communication links opened 0/10
Revelations 0/1
Heros Recruited 0/4
Worlds conquered 0/1

Why do I have a pile of half finished flashes lying here? Must be all that ground breaking brain research I spend 14 hour days on... yeah that must be it.

Posted by NitrogenousBeing - October 22nd, 2010

I finally gots a tablet today! Now I am incredibly broke... Time to do practice animations! First up is animations to get me used to the tablet so... I'm going to animate to music. First up is Hania's silver memory song I guess.

Edit: Progress update: I never made more than a a single frame for Hania's song. My goal was to practice and acquaint myself with my tablet and I managed to do so by drafting tons of character designs. I hope to use them in the future. They will appear in the art portal when I begin a flash containing them.

Posted by NitrogenousBeing - October 2nd, 2010

I noticed I broke 200 favorite flash movies today. In celebration I will buy a tablet this month! Without having to use a mouse I should put out animations much faster than my normal snails pace so they will actually get finished before I loose interest... Still going to do nubs of doom but the group is slow so I'll have other animations out first after-all. Maybe I can finish the ones I have started which include: A pirate day flash. A robot day flash OSSR, OSS01, a 1/2prince tribute, a memory of a dream flash, 3 music videos to accompany music of talented artists of newgrounds. Yes I have failed to complete a lot of projects but I haven't given up on completing them eventually and going from mouse to tablet should speed things up by at least 100fold. Now if only I could find more free time...

Feeling bored checkout my new grounds favorite movies I doubt many of you have seen them all.

Posted by NitrogenousBeing - July 11th, 2010

So in the move across the country my main computer's memory got fried so I was unable to complete my robot day flash in time... well maybe I'll get it done later and have something for next robot day... for now I guess I wont be able to do much without ram but I ordered some so I should hopefully get my computer running again next week. Next animation I plan on having done now is Invader Zim's Nubs of doom with some very slow progress on my original series. Sorry guys.

Edit: So that people aren't confused I do have ram again... After creating several bits of nubs of doom I now realize how difficult the task would be on my own. Further, IZFAS are dragging their so I'll be taking hiatus from animating nubs of doom. I want to put out original movies so I may possibly never return to producing nubs of doom... that is I won't consider working on it seriously again until others start actually working. I'm thinking about this robot day but I doubt I'll have time to finish as writing this message takes sum free time for this week which I am actually stealing from sleep time.

Posted by NitrogenousBeing - June 29th, 2010

List of Voice Actors for my own reference:
Joshua Tomar (TomaMoto)
Zach Holzman (Apatheria)
Patrick Seymour (Seymour)
Andre de Almeida (industrialplayground)

Kimlinh Tran (Hnilmik)
Queen0fHearts Nanaki6@hotmail.com
Mandi (LadyArsenic)

Posted by NitrogenousBeing - May 23rd, 2010

Well I must say I planed to try to get my first flash done on 7/14 which I self proclaimed Nitrogen Day... However, my plans have changed with TomFulp's announcement of the first ever Robot Day on7/10. I plan to enter Robot Day and the original flash I have been working on is thus postponed... Ironically I planned to have robots in my now postponed and previously announced first flash but not in a manner worthy of Robot Day. The new Robot Day flash will be cast in the same world and time as my postponed flash but will include an alternate cast of characters that normally would be background characters.

I need a title for my flashes so people will know what I'm talking about... I am thinking of calling the series either "Life After Death" or "Our Stolen Souls" or "Agency N" If that is the case Episode 1 is now postponed and the Robot Day flash is Episode R.

Also I'd like to give a shout out to all my friends who were atPoderOdunk's NewGrounds Radio Chat.
Had a good time online hopefully Ill talk to you all again soon.

PS. I have a friend who will potentially provide music huzzah!

Edit: Haven't given up on the Robot day flash but don't expect it anytime soon.

Posted by NitrogenousBeing - May 14th, 2010

Hey there Nitrogenous Being here! I've found myself spending a lot of time on this site recently so my favorites list is already at 108 animations if your looking for the semi-illusive great flashes check out my favorites all but maybe 3 of them are amazing ( the other three I just faved to find again).

Anyway, for all you critics that think non-submitters have no place on Newgrounds I am currently working on my first flash animation. Unfortunately I'm have no animation experience, plus I have a bit of a perfectionist in me and I'm an active scientist working on my PhD... That said it should be obvious that the flash may still be a month or three away but look forward to it.