
62 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Skyrim Dawnguard in a nutshell here. Congratulations on being the first one to parody it.

Kidding aside a nice little short. I especially liked the bat squeak after now we feed.

falling responds:

That squeak was meant to instil FEAR!

This is great! The results tell me this is the best type of short time limit collab. I hadn't thought of passing a flash around the world that is pretty genius. I hope you guys do another one someday. Only perhaps having the music sorted out before you begin will help it be completed after 3 days for real barring natural disasters.

Emrox responds:

Agreed... heh heh.

Nice Flash written at some unholy time of night

As this is one of the cleverest and best written stick figure series I can think of at 3am; I would really like to see you get some good voice actors. You really only have three characters that I imagine(at 2am) talk. Sometimes, at 4am, it is hard for me to read the text here in time especially the "element" category title went by fast and was a surprise to me so I missed it. You could possibly make better use of your camera angle there is often quite a bit of empty space it also rarely pans or zooms. You could also make your lines smoother in backgrounds and closeups by optimization or smoothing or magic. At 5am I still think the beginning scene with navi voice was genius. The whole detail of animation is of noticeably higher quality than I remember previous ones being, at 6am. Good job In the end the thing that will probably improve this the most is voice acting there are probably lots of people out there who will do it for you. Also if you do get VAing you will probably want to stream your sound. err yeah I tell people to set their sound to stream way too much so I end up saying it everywhere even if I bet you would do that without me saying anything.
In the end, at 4:30am, I am typing too many unnecessary words goodnight.

guitan11 responds:

AWESOME! Thanks for this useful yet entertaining review. I actually tried "streaming" the audio.... But it got screwed up and I just went back to event :3
I would love to know how to do it properly though :D
And thanks again for giving me some good feedback :3


My favorite thing in this flash is how you explain the 3rd car crashing from the sky at the end. However the biggest weakness is how the animation begins. ie. The reason why the girl gets mad in the should be explained a little more clearly. Yes its a lot of work but why is that a reason to get mad? I thought I missed something somewhere which derailed my understanding of where the fire came from at first. Maybe you could have added a scene where she thinks she is done and going home before she gets the papers or maybe the papers should say something rude. I enjoyed the rest of the escalation. I especially like how the flash culminates in an incredibly ridiculous end scene punchline that the character simply turns away from.

Yul responds:

:D thanks!! i appreciate your time to look for those details
next time i'll be more carefull about those things n_n!


This is definitely the best thing I have ever seen from you. You have done a terrific job here and this animation alone is a win. Now if only the replay didn't go to a white screen... might be a problem on my end tho cause I am unable to re-watch it even with refreshing the page... The interaction between the two marshmallow blobs was my favorite part of this animation. Great job making the interactions so vibrant, real, and cute.

ScaredyDave responds:

Wha!? I'm sorry about that strange glitch you're having. It seems to work fine on my computer, but I wouldn't doubt you're the only one as my Flash programming is really bad. I'm glad you liked it though! That kiss at the end was probably my favorite interaction between them, I just remembered how Antonett does that if I get sad and used that to my advantage :) thanks for the kind words!


Loading screen needs more detail. People with slow internet have to stare at that for a little while. That white background is not very interesting. You could even make those hands move across as the loading bar.
The outdoor intro scene had more movement and much less detail in it most of the rest of the flash. Adding darker shades to this part would help increase the impression. You could also make those stars brighter they are fairly unnoticeable and a flickering star or two helps night skies pop. Maybe a leaf blowing across... I digress.
I enjoy the detail in the school room background. You could use tweens to illustrate the boys breathing. They could take a deep breath when reaching out to write by use of tween in the close shots. The hands coming out of the board could be made creepier by having some of them grope at the air in attempt to grab the boys.
Good job on the hand drawing on the board by the way.
When you reveal the missing leg you could have him reach down to hold it and lean backward and forward to help illustrate pain. Hair could move separately here showing momentum and adding realism. The infinity on the board is a nice touch I would have zoomed in on it so its more noticeable and creepy.
Oh and I didn't notice at first but your animation seems to lack anticipation when Al turns to his brother. So his head could move the opposite direction for a frame then turn to Ed. I like to use it to make it appear smoother when an unmoving character starts to move.
The concept behind this was good but it came at a time when divide by zero the last theme of the tofa so it felt a little staler than it normally would.
I understand the desire to belittle stupid comments so I don't see why people are so offended. Stirs up lots of reviews I suppose.

BoobMarley responds:

This has been the single most helpful review yet, I really appreciate it.

The opening scene with the school was the first one I animated, and I wasn't entirely sure where I was going with the style yet. I didn't bother to go back later and enhance the scenery, but I definitely agree with more tones, and having the stars flicker.
Ugh, having them exhale would have been a fucking awesome detail. I'm actually pretty upset that I hadn't thought to do that. I was however, aware of the effect that separately moving hair adds to depth - I just didn't put it in as a stylistic choice, but I think I'll experiment with it in future animations.

Yeah, the concept is a bit stale, but what the hell. Guess I'm just squeezing it for one more good laugh.

Again, I appreciate you taking the time to watch and leave some feedback.

robotic cameras robotic cameras

When I watched this under judgment I placed reviewing it on my "To Do" list. I enjoyed this overall. I expected something interesting would happen with the bug or what the girls were doing. The flash turned out to be almost exclusively conversation. This was fine with me because I was attempting to decipher what this whole series was about and the conversation was unusual and somewhat witty in some places. Animation was the minimum necessary and art was medium-well.
The movie control buttons need a larger hit area so you can click them without having to painstakingly click the little symbols.

Crintleod responds:

Thanks for your feedback and I will work on making a bigger navigation bar.

cute brains

You know... while I was watching this I was also recording the activity of a disembodied mouse brain with electrodes... searching for unsubscribed parkinson's disease related pathways... That was quite long and the events were malevolent... luckily the real thing isn't like this. Real brains are much less expressive.

ClockworkPixel responds:

i understand how tricky it must be brains can be such pains


This turned out well. Your doing the same sort of tournament thing Zeurel used to do. I hope you are able to make it to the end. The characters and story feel more interesting original that awakened was. I somehow missed the other 2 episodes entering the portal but I've seen them now. There are a lot of people too stupid to notice that there are other episodes so you may want to consider adding an episode number to the title here on Newgrounds. So I feel like I should make an observation so here it is: The "she can heal" dialog scene played out a little too slow.
Anyway, good to see you submitting interesting things again.

AnDrew19787 responds:

This is the most helpful review I've seen so far. :)

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