
62 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Wow I didn't expect to be this impressed

That was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO awesome! The animation is seemed much better than episode 1. And the story was very good. Deserves every point of 10/10 and maybe a little change.

NickJS responds:

Thank you kindly!

Underdog flash

This animation deserves the underdog award.The story potrayed in this flash is a fairly profound allegory to life and makes a person ask themselves what life is all about and what we should do in it. I think the style of animation fit well with the message that was portrayed. Oddly enough I didn't think the story was sad despite it being the sad sad histories and I think the style is the reason for this. I saw it more as an example and a warning more than a story of someone who actually went though it. The music also fit very well.
This flash is probably too profound for newgrounds lol.a few small hicoups are in the animation but I feel the story makes up for this. 9.7/10

HalfHound responds:

Thank you very much for the honest review.

We placed all our effort in the story and the message, and at that time, none of us possesed any abilities on Flash. So we experimented a lot with different settings, characters, and everything; in the end, simplicity became our bet in the effort of expresing the story.

It´s been a lot time; I almost forgot it was here.
I need to say this; your review really motivates me to do more. I appreciate it.

I've been in those

Now Ive been through quite a few Earthquakes and they don't usually last as long as the one in this flash but they can seem like quite a while and there is usually lots of after shocks almost immediately after them. Also the people who talk about earthquake saftey have changed their stance about standing under doorways because of the tendency for them to act like scissors... They now suggest knowing where the main beams of the house are and standing under them or just staying in bed as long as there's nothing hanging over your head cause often the glass from falling picture frames and other objects makes walking around a bad idea.The biggest earthquake I've had was 6.7 and 13 miles from my house... knocked over a few highways over passes nearby and condemned several houses on my street.

Good flash but the low frame rate was fairly apparent

GinnyN responds:

This was my experience with the Earthquake of February 28th in Chile. The Earthquake somehow was about 5 minutes long.

I have no idea about the thing of the doors. I'll check out better.

And thanks for the words ^^!


Good animation and parody but fundamentally flawed by the flashes' subject, which is 24 boring hrs. Boring is not very entertaining even in a parody. Also I don't watch 24 so I may be missing some of the funny.

dimitrikozma responds:

Thanks for your review, NitrogenousBeing

This made me happy

Haha this is indeed reminiscent of Vinnie Vertas's work, I love it. He is one of my favorite animators, and while its very similar to his work it appears a bit different in style. I think this is very enjoyable relaxed pace flash however some people may find it a little slow in some places. But hey great for a technical exercise. I would like to demand the "long time" before doing another animation be changed to a "short time" but I know how time consuming animation is so enjoy your time.

Pablo-M responds:

Thanks for your review! a bit slow? haha and I thought of making future stuff even slower!
Well, it probably won't be THAT long ;)


I lovezes this show... Are you still making more? I'd go to your site to watch them but I rather like having watching them as they come out the space in-between makes it yummier, like a sandwich. I gots' to say I took me forever to realized Mitri had a mustache cause in the earlier episodes it looked like it might be part of his hair...
Plot is entertaining. Animation is original and good enough to tell the story. 9.5/10

Geoweasel responds:

The show's been on kind of a hiatus for years due to personal problems and there's only been a couple new cartoons scattered about, but I'm working on a few right now and hoping to get back to making episodes on a regular basis again! Thanks for the kind words!

404 Error! Subject "Review Title" cannot be found.

You should speed up your animation it felt slow. Also an insertion point is the place the troops land not the place of infiltration so you cant land away from the insertion point unless your landing at a different insertion point. A couple voices were a little flat. You had some good humorous moments, music choices and your storyline is entertaining. Overall a pretty good flash. I hope to see the rest of this.

LKLostKID responds:

Can you please PM the error you had occured?
"404 Error! Subject "Review Title" cannot be found"

THIS is the first episode.. and not very action based, unfortunetly it IS all talk and no bang bang. The story needed to be layed on before a sense of fighting was worth it.

They were landing outside of the warehouse which their mission was to infilitrate.. their insertion zone was located away from the warehouse.. Sorry that you got confused.

Voices will be worked on for part 2.. for the voice actors and myself it had been quite a learning experience and we hope to do better.

Many thanks for your thoughtful review :)

A Very Long Review for a Worthwhile Flash

The first time I watched this the sound was out of sink... not sure why that was but it made the animation seem weird. The second time I watched this the sound was in sink and it looked much better. I wonder if other people were experiencing this problem and lowering your score. But this flash is way under rated. Sure the sound could be improved but it is decent enough.

This animation reminded me of the following: Dragon Ball Z, Avatar the Last Airbender, Gurren Lagann, Magic the gathering.

I think the tournament should have had more audience... just like silhouettes and stuff. I was puzzled by how there seemed to be only a couple people there. I don't understand why the bucket was heavy or why they reacted to the moose beast the way they did. If I saw a giant monster I probably wouldn't immediately call it a bum and say it couldn't have snacks...

The story line could have used more compelling reasons for their study of martial arts and aided in develop their characters better that it did. The two main characters seemed a little flat to me. The girl showed up right as it ended I think maybe eluding to her chasing that monster earlier might be a fun thing to do.

Some of your walking sequences were a bit funky.... running from the robot, and walking to the well. Frame by frame is good but if your going to back and forth between the same frames you guys might want to add a little more variety to the poses so you don't get the skipping record effect I felt in a couple places.

You two could probably use a replay button btw.

Now for what I liked the village elder like character worked out very well he looked awesome. I really liked the girls looking at the village weakling and he reminded me of of avatar so it was a little satisfying to see him so beat up. I like where the episode is leading the sequel seems like it will be great. The animation in general was pretty good.

If you look at how long I spent on this review is you can tell your animation was worth it.

Overall the work on this flash combined into one fla file is probably big enough to crash my computer... I could tell a lot of effort was put into this flash and I'm disappointed in newgrounds for the score you have received so far but hey Front page! I look forward to a sequel cause you both probably know how good this flash despite what people who have never even put 1% of the effort you guys put into this flash in their own work. Ill say 9.5/10.

tacobuttfish responds:

Thanks a bunch for #1 taking time to give us good constructive criticism that we can put to use for our second episode, and #2 for watching and giving the animation another go since the first time the syncing was off for some odd reason. It's good reviews like yours that makes all the effort we put into these animations worth it, so thank you and great advice that I will take into consideration and push for better in episode 2

-Taco Buttfish.

Sound goes buzz =)

I am reminded of Naruto. A decent flash. I think more things need to happen in the episode because after I watched it I felt like nothing really happened. I'm about 70% sure the language is Portuguese... Am I right?

Animachado responds:

Thanks for commenting, yes, the sound of Brazil and Portuguese

ah fanbase bumping rage I have that too sometimes.

I like to see these sorts of talk about another flash flashes. However, I find Explosm's scores due to their large fan-base appalling while Darkar's fan-base makes me think "well maybe he deserves it. His flashes aren't not knocking out excellent, much more deserving flashes from the top spots like Explosm's near-stick-figure flashes." Blind Zombie-like fans always vote 5 and some people have a lot of them.

Darkar also has his own polished style and I think he deserves a slight bump for sticking with his series... maybe not quite as high as he gets but hey I don't know how he gets his fan base.

Your flash style is needs a little polishing but it looks like you put more time into the backgrounds and things. I must say tho that I find seeing the same loop so many times boring maybe sped up faster and faster or skipping parts would help if you don't want to make new loops.911 scene is a bit tasteless but I wont hold it against you. 7/10

DannyP responds:

Yeah, Explosm's scores bother me, too. However, I do think those are very well made. Even if they are stick people, the animation, backgrounds, and everything else is extremely smooth and good looking. That's a hell of a lot more than I can say about the actual Cyanide & Happiness webcomics, though, and I guess that's to be expected since the guys who make the comics don't even make the animations. I think those shorts are good, but still way overrated. I don't think such short movies deserve to be in the top 50, really. They totally aren't in the same league as nice, detailed 2-5 minute animations.

I did skip parts on the loop as the movie went along (skipped half of the intro on the final loop), but I should've skipped a lot more since lots of people are annoyed by this. RiftBetween had a much better alternative idea a few reviews back, actually.
Agreed about 9/11, and thanks for not taking it too seriously. Thanks for sharing your opinions.

Current Active Projects: Animation---The Dispatcher Episode 01 Art---Coloring practice Princess Shirahoshi from one piece

Age 36, Male


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