So instead of saying eventually I will give self amusing comments on the progress of "The Dispatcher" when all tallies are filled the animation will be complete.
Forests discovered 0/1
Bandits rendered 1/3
Buildings Robbed 0/1
Trees Planted 0/3
Dispatchers hired 1/1
Robots assembled 0/3
Buildings Constructed 3/16
Cities lighted 0/3
Buildings Burned 0/15
Cities Destroyed 0/2
Missiles launched 0/15
Craters created 0/3
Governments restructured 0/1
Agents deployed 1/3
Rivals revealed 1/2
Orphans in danger 0/5
Zombie Clowns frozen 1/1
X Tomatoes equipped 1/1
Zombie Clowns ejected to dimension 1/2
Memories erased 43/54
Robots programed 0/3
Communication links opened 0/10
Revelations 0/1
Heros Recruited 0/4
Worlds conquered 0/1
Why do I have a pile of half finished flashes lying here? Must be all that ground breaking brain research I spend 14 hour days on... yeah that must be it.